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Звільнення від податків

Enabling Tax Exemption

Tax exemption option cannot be configured individually for each plan. You can either enable or disable it globally for all your plans. To do this:

  1. Select Taxes in the Settings menu.
  2. Check or uncheck the Allow Tax Exemption box in the Optional Parameters table below the list of taxes:
    you can choose whether to display customer's VAT number on a user's invoice. If the Display it as VAT Number option is checked, VAT Number will be dispalayed as a label, instead of Tax Exemption code; If the Always reject, store only option is checked, VAT number/exemption code will be stored, but marked as rejected (though rejection signs in UI are suppressed), taxes will be collected - but VAT Number will be recorded.
  3. Click Submit.

Setting Tax Exemption Mode at Signup

To set exemption from taxes for individual user at signup:

  1. Go the the Signup menu and click the plan to signup.
  2. In the Signup wizard get to the Payment Information signup page.
  3. Enter user's own valid individual Tax Exemption Code in the corresponding field of the signup page.
  4. Proceed with usual signup procedure.

After signup, the created account is put into the list of accounts awaiting moderation, regardless of the type of payment.

Activating User Accounts with Tax Exemption Code Entered

To activate the account with tax exemption option enabled:

  1. Go to the Moderate submenu of the Signup menu.
  2. Choose the account to be moderated.
  3. In the billing section of the table that appears, find the Tax Exemption Code line:
  4. Call the corresponding tax office to verify the tax exemption code entered by the customer.
  5. According to the result of the validation, approve or reject the tax exemption code by clicking the respective link. The customer would be immediately notified by email.
    Note: If the customer has entered his or her tax exemption code incorrectly, you may edit that code by clicking the Edit icon.
  6. Activate the account by clicking the Create link at the bottom of the form.
    Note: You would not be able to activate the account until the tax exemption code is approved or rejected.

You may also approve or reject the customer's tax exemption code in the account profile:

  1. Search for the account in the Search menu.
  2. Click on the account's id link in the Account ID column.
  3. In the form that appears in the upper frame of the new page, click VIEW in the Contact&Billing Email section. Scroll down to the Tax Exemption Code line:
  4. Approve or Reject the tax exemption code by clicking the corresponding link.


For an account where tax exemption is enabled, online invoice will look like this:

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Tax Exemption