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Повернення коштів

Automatic and Manual Money Returns

The money in H-Sphere is returned either by check or by crediting the account balance, but can't be issued to credit cards! This document focuses on the automatic account balance crediting which in the H-Sphere terms is called refunding. Only the latest billing period/month recurrent charges can be refunded. Other charges can be returned by crediting accounts manually. Refunds are listed in the user online invoice. The "Full refund" message in the account Online Invoice implies that it isn't adjusted to the refund percentage.


Events that Trigger Refunds

Refunds are issued on:


Refund Formulas

Refunds for monthly resources, unlike billing period resources, are never prorated to the days remaining till the billing month closure. When refunded, recurrent charges for all resources are adjusted to refund percentage except for when users quit hosting during the Moneyback Period.

  • Refunds for billing period resources
    = ( recurrent fee charged over the current billing period x days remaining to its closure x refund percentage ) / ( billing period duration in days x 100% )

  • Refunds for monthly resources
    = ( recurrent fee charged over the current billing month x refund percentage ) / 100%

If recurrent price for resource was changed, the refund will be calcuated based on prices used to calcuate the latest recurrent fees prepaid.


Moneyback Period

If users quit hosting during the Moneyback Period, they are refunded all recurrent charges that are neither adjusted to refund percentage nor prorated to the days remaining to the billing period closure. If users quit hosting after the MoneybackPeriod, refunds are calculated as described above.

To set the moneyback period:

  1. Select Manage in the Plans menu.
  2. Click the name of the plan to start the wizard.
  3. Scroll down to the Settings section and check Enable in the Money Back Guarantee field. Enter the duration of the Money Back period in days.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and check Don't change resources prices.
  5. Complete the wizard.


Reducing Quotas and Limits

Refunds for decreased:

  • FTP/Mail Box/MS SQL DB Quota
    = ( decreased MB of prepaid quota x recurrent price they were bought at x days remaining to the billing period closure x refund percentage ) / ( billing period duration in days x 100% )

  • PG/My SQL DB Quota, Summary Disk Usage or Traffic Limit
    = ( decreased MB/GB of prepaid quota/traffic limit x recurrent price they were bought at x refund percentage ) / 100%


Refund Percentage

The refund percentage defines how much of the recurrent charge will be returned to the user.

To set the refund percentage:

  1. Select Manage in the Plans menu.
  2. Click Resources for the plan.
  3. On the page that appears, click Price next to the resource that you are setting refund percentage for.
  4. In the Refund Percentage field, enter how much of the recurrent charge will be returned to the user
    • if no refund percentage is set for actual billing periods, refunds will be calculated based on refund percentage set for default billing period;
    • leaving the refund percentage field empty sets it to 100%;
    • if it is set to 0, no refunds will be issued.

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Возврат средств
Money Returns