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Ціни, оплати та знижки

Fees Collected From Customers

In H-Sphere customers can be charged:
       - plan fees
       - custom debit fees (separate document)
       - custom job fees (separate document)

Plan Fees

Plan fees are the fees for user account services provided with its hosting plan. Plan fees, except for domain registration fee are charged for resources acquired beyond free units and are calculated based on prices set for the actual billing period. If a price or free units in the formulas below aren't set for the actual billing period, corresponding base price or free units are then used instead. Fees calculated on base prices are discounted. 

  • Setup fee: single time fee charged at the moment a unit of specific resource is acuried over free units.
    = Setup price for this specific resource 
  • Recurrent fee for billing period resources: service fee for resource maintenance during the whole billing period; charged in advance the moment it is acquired and since then at the beginning of each billing period.
    = Monthly price for the resource x units over free (for quotas) x days left to the end of the billing period / billing period duration in days
    * if the base price is used, the fee is multiplied by billing period duration in months 
  • Recurrent fee for monthly resources: fee for each GB of traffic or MB of disk space reserved over free units; charged inprorated for the whole billing month in advance at the moment of purchase and since then at the beginning of each billing month.
    = Monthly price for a monthly resource x units over Free / billing period duration in months
    * if the base price is used, it's not divided by billing period duration in months
  • Usage fee: fee for each excessive GB of traffic or MB of disk space consumed over the user reserved limit; charged at the end of each billing month
    = Extra price for a monthly resource x units over the user reserved limit / billing period duration in months
    * if the base price is used, it's not divided by billing period duration in months
  • Domain registration fee: single time setup fee charged at the moment of OpenSRS or Enom domain registration / renewal performed through H-Sphere CP
    = Custom price for the term the domain is registered / renewed for
    * if a custom price isn't set for a certain term, the fee equals then the default price set for a corresponding term.

Free Units

When we talk about free units, we actually mean free gigabytes of traffic, free megabytes of disk space, free subdomains and mailboxes, etc. customers get with the user account and can use them free of charge within one billing period or billing month when we talk about monthly resources. For example:


Resource Free units set for User gets
default one month billing period actual 2 month billing period
Traffic 10 - 10 GB to use over one month for free
10 12 12 GB to use over one month for free
Mailbox 10 - 10 free mailboxes
10 12 12 free mailboxes

Free isn't applicable to resources that can't be measured in units, such as Directory Index or SSH Access. 

Setting Prices and Free Units

Important: Don't separate thousands with commas when setting any prices or free units. Comma "," is treated as a decimal separator, not thousand separator, to support international standards (e.g. $2,95).

This section explains how to set prices used to calcuate plan fees.

To set base prices and free units:

1. Launch plan creation/edit wizard
2. On step 1 of the wizard check the Leave registrar prices as they are box in the Domain types section and uncheck the Do not change resource prices one in the Settings section.
3. At the bottom of the same form click the Next button and the wizard will take you to the base price and free units configuration page. 

To set prices and free units for actual billing periods:

1. Go through steps 1-3 of setting base prices and free units.
   * Prices and free units for billing periods, on the contrary to base ones, can be set only with plan edit wizard.
2. At the bottom of the base price and free units configuration page click Next and the wizard will take you to the forms where you can set prices and free units for actual billing periods. The number of subsequent steps depends on the number of billing periods available for the plan. 

To set default prices for OpenSRS or Enom domain registration/renewal:

follow the Enom And OpenSRS Configuration instructions.
Important: if the default prices aren't set, the domain registration option won't be available to customers!

To set custom prices for OpenSRS or Enom domain registration/renewal:

1. Make sure default prices for OpenSRS / Enom domain registration / renewal are set in domain registration manager.
2. Launch plan creation/edit wizard
3. On step 1 of the wizard uncheck the Leave registrar prices as they are box in the Domain types section.
4. At the bottom of the same page click the Next button and the wizard will take you to the form where you can set custom prices for OpenSRS/Enom domain registration / renewal.

Comments on Resources

Don't get confused with setting prices for the following resources:

  • CP Account: See Understanding Accounts, Domains, and Users.
  • Summary Traffic: See Traffic
  • Disk Space Quota: See Individual Disk Space Quotas
  • Domain: any domain transfered or registered through H-Sphere control panel.
  • Mailbox: Each new customer domain is created with a webmaster mailbox. If a user runs out of free mailboxes, adding a new domain - even a free domain - will trigger charges for a webmaster mailbox. Hence, it is a good idea to provide at least several free mailboxes.
  • Mailbox quota: initial quota on one user mailbox.
  • MySQL/PGSQL database quota: initial quota on one database calculated as the total size of all files in the database directory.
  • MS SQL Quota:Quota on one database calculated as the total size of all files in the database directory.
  • IP Address: any dedicated IP taken by domains maintained through customer control panel.
  • Real User:number of simultaneous connections, i.e. how many visitors can simultaneously access customer's RealServer account.

 Setting prices for the following resources often confuses H-Sphere administrators:

Billing Consequences of Editing Prices and Free Units<

Resource Explanation Plan Wizard Price Fields Notes
Free Setup Monthly Extra
CP Account A user/administrative account in H-Sphere. One CP account equals one control panel and takes one H-Sphere license N/A Charged when the user creates a new H-Sphere account Used to calculate recurrent fee for one account. If a user has two H-Sphere accounts (e.g. Unix and Windows), he will be charged ( recurrent fee X 2 ) N/A More about Accounts
Summary Traffic User data transferred to/from web, mail, and other servers GB of traffic which users can use over the month for free N/A Used to calculate recurrent fee for reserving GB of traffic over initial user free traffic quota. Charged once at the beginning of the billing month for the difference between the limit customer sets and the free units. Charged at the end of each month of the billing period for each GB used beyond the limit. more on traffic
Disk Space Quota User FTP quota on the web / windows server MB of disk space that you grant users for free N/A Applied only if users change their default disk space quota. Charged once at the beginning of the billing period for the difference between the quota and the free units N/A more on disk quota
Domain Includes transferred domains and newly registered OpenSRS/Enom domains. Prices for this resource don't replace domain registration prices you entered on the previous page. Prices here are set for your services and are collected based on user's billing period, whereas prices on the previous page are collected on yearly basis for the services offered by Enom/OpenSRS.
Note: service domain isn't counted as payable resource
Number of domains a user can transfer or register without being charged, let alone yearly domain registration fees Charged when the user transfers/registers a domain beyond free units Charged at the beginning of the billing period for each registered or transferred domain beyond free units N/A more on Enom/OpenSRSregistration
Mailbox Each new customer domain is created with a webmaster mailbox. If a user runs out of free mailboxes, adding a new domain - even a free domain - will trigger charges for a webmaster mailbox. Hense, it is a good idea to provide at least several free mailboxes. Charged when the user purchases a new mailbox beyond free Charged at the beginning of the billing period for each mailbox beyond free N/A  
Mailbox quota Quota on one user mailbox The default mailbox size user can use for this mailbox free of charge N/A Applies only when users increase their mailbox quota. Charged once at the beginning of the billing period for the difference between the quota and the free units. N/A Mailbox quota can't be exceeded
database quota
Quota on one database calculated as the total size of all files in the database directory MB of free disk space that you give out for each new database N/A Applies only when users increase their database quota. Charged once at the beginning of the billing period for the difference between the quota and the free units Charged for the disk space (prorated to the billing month duration) used in excess of the database quota as of the last day of the billing month. For example, you host a user with the billing period of 6 months, 0 free units, and the database size quota of 60MB. By the end of the first month, the size of the database makes 65MB, and the 5 MB overlimit is charged as the usage (excess) fee MySQL/PGSQL quota can be exceeded
MS SQL Quota Quota on one database calculated as the total size of all files in the database directory. MB of free disk space that you allocate for each new database N/A Applies only when users increase their database quota. Charged once at the beginning of the billing period for the difference between the limit and the free units. N/A MS SQL quota can't be exceeded
IP Address A dedicated IP Address Number of dedicated IPs that you grant users for free Charged when the user purchases a new dedicated IP beyond free units Charged at the beginning of each billing period for each dedicated IP beyond free units N/A Only dedicated IP Addresses are billed; shared IPs are always free
Real User the maximum number of simultaneous connections, i.e. how many visitors can simultaneously access user's RealServer account. Number of simultaneous connections to RealServer that you grant users for free. N/A Charged once at the beginning of the billing period for the difference between the limit and the free units. N/A Can't be exceede


Only plan fees calculated on base prices can be adjusted to discounts set for the actual billing periods.

Discounted fee = absolute fee x ( (100% - discount set for the type of price used to calculate absolute fee) / 100% )

As a rule, the bigger billing period, the bigger the discount.
Discounts are configured individually for each billing period and can be set for each type of price:

  1. Select Manage in the Plans menu.
  2. On the page that appears, click Settings for the plan to edit.
  3. Make sure Billing is ON. In the Billing Configuration section, click the Edit icon for the selected billing period.
  4. On the page that appears, enter discounts for each price type:
  5. Click Submit Query.

The following table explains how a 10% recurrent discount for a 2 month billing period effects calculation of the recurrent fee for additional mail box:

Monthly Price for Mailbox Recurrent Fee
default one month billing period 2 month billing period
$10 - 18 (= $10 x 2 month x ( (100% - 10% recurrent discount) / 100% )
$10 $17 $17


Billing Consequences of Editing Prices and Free Units

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