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Кредитний ліміт

Understanding Credit Limit

In H-Sphere credit limit serves two purposes:
- cumulative: This is applicable only to credit cards. All setup, recurrent and usage fees are accrued until their cumulative amount reaches or exceeds the credit limit. Only then is this amount charged. This approach minimizes referrals to credit card processing centers.
- restrictive: This is pertinent to check payments and invalid/expired credit cards. When the negative balance exceeds the credit limit, the account owner is considered to run into debts and is blocked from buying any resources, paid or free. Except for this, the functionality of the debtor's account isn't affected, unless you configure the system to suspend debtors. Recurrent and usage fees will be still accrued, and the debt will grow with every new billing period.

Example: If you set the credit limit to $10, a user with a $0 balance purchasing $5 resource won't be charged, even though his balance will become -$5. This is also true of invalid credit card or check payments.

Further, if this user decides to buy another $10 worth of resources, he will get charged $15, and his balance will become zero. But in case of an invalid credit card or a check payment, this user won't be able to buy these extra $10 of resources, and his balance will remain -$5. If this is the case, and if his usage fee equals $20, at the end of the payment interval his debt will increase to ( $5 + $ 20 = ) $25.

Setting Credit Limit in a Plan

To set plan's default credit limit:

  1. Launch plan edit wizard
  2. On the first step at the bottom of the form you'll find the Credit Limit entry.
    * If you leave the field empty, credit limit is set to 0. This results in immediate credit card account charges and doesn't allow check paid accounts acquire resources with no money on their balance.

Plan's default credit limit is the same for all accounts in this plan. However, you can increase or reduce credit limit for particular accounts by following the instruction below.

Increasing Credit Limit for Individual Accounts

To increase or reduce credit limit for a particular account by a fixed amount:

  1. Find the account using the Search utility.
  2. Click the credit limit value in the Credit column.
  3. On the page that appears, enter the amount above plan's credit limit value. For example, the Credit Limit for the plan is $10. To make it $12 for a specific account, enter 2.
  4. Click Increase. The search results page will now show the difference from the default, not the absolute credit limit.

Resetting Credit Limit For All Users

Sometimes you need to reset credit limit for all accounts to the plan's default value. To do it in one go, do the following:

  1. Select Other in the E. Manager menu.
  2. Click Reset Credit Limit to eliminate credit limit increases in your customers' accounts.

Note: Remember that resetting credit limit for all accounts will set all increased credit limits, if any, to the plan defaults. They will show as zero on the Search result page in the Credit Limit section, where zero is the difference from the default plan value.

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Кредитный лимит
Credit Limit