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Oftentimes, you will need to send emails to multiple users, e.g: newsletters. Mass mail feature allows to send one message to a number of users.

To send a newsletter to a group of customers:

  1. Select accounts using the Search utility.
  2. Click the Mass Mail link at the bottom of the search results page:
  3. Compose the message or choose the system notification template:
    • From: the e-mail address messages will be sent from.
      Note: ( in HS 3.0+) This email is automatically filled in from Settings -> Tech Support -> Default Email From. You can change it if necessary.
    • Use charset from settings: message encoding will be set based on the language selected by the customer.
    • Use Message Templates: check this box to send system notifications. In this case, any info you enter in the message body will be ignored.
    • Autoinserts: Use this feature to convert your mass mails into personalized letters. When composing a mass mail, insert generic variables that will be replaced with individual recipient's name, e-mail address, etc.
    • Subject: enter a subject of the message.
    • Message: enter a message to be sent to all customers. Remember: if you use message templates, this message will be ignored.
    • Spellcheck: allows checking your mail messages for spelling. To do it:
      1. Click the spellcheck link under the message field. Pop-up window shows with misspelled words, if any, being underlined:
      2. Point your mouse to a misspelled word and a number of suggestions shows.
      3. Choose correct variants and click Done.
    • Send the message as: Select HTML to apply formatting to your message, e.g.:
      text in italic

      text in bold

      • unordered list (bullet)

      • unordered list (bullet)

    • One Message Per Email Address:
          -Yes - only one message will be sent to an address, regardless of how many accounts use it.
          -No - the message is sent to every account's e-mail address even if it is the same for different accounts.
  4. Click Send to send the message.

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Mass Mail